I am a computer scientist at Saarland University of Applied Sciences (htw saar), where I am heading the Systems Technology Lab (STL). Before joining htw saar, I worked in the banking sector as a technology architect and received a PhD (Dr.-Ing.) in distributed systems from TU Darmstadt.
My interests include (not necessarily in that order): business information systems, business process management, leadership, incentive systems, risk, persuasion, negotiation, and games of many types. Further interests can be found here . I have seen the fnords.
is a template bundle which I developed for the typesetting system \(\rm\LaTeX\). The main goal of the template is providing authors with a classic, high quality typographic style inspired by Robert Bringhurst’s “The Elements of Typographic Style”.
If you like the style, then I would appreciate a postcard: My address can be found in the manual. A collection of the postcards I received so far is available online.
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My Erdős number is: 3
- Paul Erdős co-authored with Richard K. Guy: Paul Erdős and Richard K. Guy: Distinct Distances between Lattice Points. Elemente der Mathematik, 25(6):121–123, November 1970.
- Richard K. Guy co-authored with Tobias Isenberg: Zainab AlMeraj, Brian Wyvill, Tobias Isenberg, Amy Gooch, and Richard K. Guy: Automatically Mimicking Unique Hand-Drawn Pencil Lines. Computers & Graphics, 33(4):496–508, August 2009.
- Tobias Isenberg co-authored with André Miede: Tobias Isenberg, André Miede, and Sheelagh Carpendale: A Buffer Framework for Supporting Responsive Interaction in Information Visualization Interfaces. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing (C5 2006), pages 262–269. IEEE Computer Society.